

Fun. Adventurous. Creative. Gorgeous.


Hey, I know you. You want a fun experience and gorgeous pictures, right?

Well, you're in the right place!


Are you looking for a fun

Portrait Experience


Beautiful images?

Then you have come to the right place!

I am a Portrait Photographer based in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
I specialize in Family and Senior/Graduate Photography.

Book a Session by filling in the contact form

to let me know you're interested!


What do I get when I book with you?

From the moment you book your session until after your gallery has been delivered, I am right there with you! I will help you choose your outfits, find the perfect location for your session, and give you helpful pointers before and posing instruction during your session to make sure you get the most out of your experience!

What locations do you offer?

The world is your oyster! No, really. Each session is tailored to each client, which means we discuss what you'd like and plan our location based on that! We are lucky to live in a beautiful area of the country with so many options, but I also love to work in a studio setting and have the lighting knowledge and equipment to make that happen!
Thought about a session in your home? We can do that as well!

Why don't I offer timed sessions?

I don't like limits, so I don't set them!*
I have never enjoyed the rush of a timed session, and I know you will find that when we're out there capturing your memories you won't be paying attention to the time either!

Typical sessions last 30 minutes to 1 hour per location.

*Certain Locations set their own time limits, so sometimes we have to go by that

How many images will I receive in my Gallery?

A typical Gallery has around 60- 100 images for you to choose from. I know we all have a "favorite smile" and I want you to be able to choose which one is yours!
I don't include all the photos taken from your session, because not all of them are in focus, sometimes your eyes are closed- it happens!

Of course I include the bloopers, but only when you look good *wink*

How do I order pictures?

Right now I am offering a mix of digital images as well as heirloom quality products ordered right from your gallery.
Once you receive your online Gallery you will be able to purchase your digital images right away! I have created several packages for your convenience which will be in your personal store. Your gallery will have a walk-through detailing exactly how it works- but I am always available for questions and to help!

*I no longer do Proof Galleries to cut down on time from session to ordering- any additional edits requested will delay your ordering but are always an option!


I love to shoot in the morning or evening to get that "sunset" glow, but I also love the brightness of a daytime session!

You will see a little of both when you look through my galleries, but always a beautiful rendition of natures colors!

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And don't forget to find me on Social Media!




@ H.StratesPhotography